UTN news

Period of annual vacation

UTN team stay at your disposal all the year, even in august.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for all your enquiries.

La presse en parle

UTN est paru dans le magazine d’informations CMI, Revue Construction Métallique n°1 – 2016.
Découvrez l’article de presse.

Rate increase

Following to the new increases of our external costs (raw materials, energy, transport), our suppliers still announce us increases which we cannot continue to absorb without modifying our prices

We regret to inform you, that a tarif increase will be applied on all our products effective on February 1st, 2015.

We regret the implementation of this measure but we count on your understanding and support.

Manufacturing of bolts according to the standards

NF 04/01 du 12/06/96 - CE 0333Property class 8.8
Hot dip galvanized
7 diameters : ∅12 to ∅24

To know more >

Léa, the new logo of UTN







In march 2014, the UTN team decided to create a new logo that represente the firm activity. This artistic realisation give the life to the products manufactured in the firm.

Thanks to the artist and long life to Léa.